Time and time again, there is one main reason why I like the cloth diapers we have. The elastic band in the back! I think to myself "this would have been a blow out if he were in a disposable". And poops like this have been disastrous when I've used disposables. (albiet they're usually off brand disposables)
Brighton was playing in his excersaucer and had either pooped before I put him in there or while he was in it. Either way, the dirty stuff crept up to the top of the diaper. This is proof at just how closely it came to getting out and ruining everything. But the elastic held strong!

Brighton was playing in his excersaucer and had either pooped before I put him in there or while he was in it. Either way, the dirty stuff crept up to the top of the diaper. This is proof at just how closely it came to getting out and ruining everything. But the elastic held strong!
wow, first time I've ever seen a poopy diaper update on a blog...
hey what kind of Bum Genius do you have? we need to get more for Gid, and it seems you highly recommend this kind :)
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