Sunday, October 11, 2009

First Time

Last night Brighton slept for 8 hours! We're in hotel in Joplin MO for a friend's wedding and he slept in his pack n play for the first time. I'm thinking I want to set it up in our room tonight and see how he does. He ate around 10pm and I put him to bed at 11:30pm. He woke up at 7:30 this morning! When he woke up he wasn't crying, just making little noises. I picked him up and hew aited till I brought him over to the couch and then laid in my lap until I was ready to feed him. Normally he is freaking out and sooo ready to eat! I'm gonna have to analyze this more and think about how to re-create this scenario. I don't mind getting up with him in the night but I'll help him get on a schedule if that's what he needs!


MagenRanae said...

Way to go! Was it just a fluke? Or, did you figure out something that worked?

Reagan said...

I had no control over it...he's been sleeping 9 hours on average per night since then and I didn't do anything. It was all him. BUT, it did happen soon after he started sleeping on his belly so maybe his schedule became more steady and he became more comfortable sleeping on his belly and the two collided :)

MagenRanae said...

Hehe...if he's been sleeping through the night, then what were you doing up at 1:22am? :)

Reagan said...

having some time to eat (i was starving) and check email etc. the down side to him sleeping so much at night is that he's awake a lot more during the day!