Thursday, April 22, 2010

Green Grass

Two weeks ago, we tilled up our backyard. It was literally a jungle that came with it's own snakes and poison ivy. It had a small area that might have once been a dog run as well as a swing set. It all started when I snapped a couple pictures of the swing set and posted an ad on craigslist for a free swing set. It was gone two days later.

The day it was taken Jere and I got out and cut down some bush areas and it already looked 10 times better when we were done. The next weekend, we took down the dog run fence and bought a pick ax to dig up stumps and roots. It was hard work but it was SO rewarding. The third weekend after I posted the swing set on craigslist, we tilled up our backyard. Jere worked really hard wrestling the tiller and he got it done in less than five hours. Jere laid seed, we've been watering and lo and behold there it is!

Last weekend, we got a bunch of brick from our friends. Right after we brought it home Jere made a border for the vegetable garden we're hoping to cultivate this spring. There were brick pavers already in our yard that we took up and used to lay on top of the base layer of brick. It makes a nice definition between the yard and the garden. We haven't planted anything yet but we've got a few seed starters growing. It's looking SO much better and I am really looking forward to having a functional backyard next spring. : )


Rachel said...

Wow! What an amazing difference! I am so excited for you. You are going to love getting the backyard done before Brighton is running around!