Friday, October 3, 2008

Google Search Questionaire

Magen did this on her blog and it looked fun, to me.

1. The age you will be on your next birthday

2. A place to which you'd like to travel

3. Your favorite place

4. Your favorite person
5. Your favorite food

6. Your favorite animal (this guy looks so gross...)
7. The town in which you were born

8. The name of a past pet
9. The first name of a past love. How perfect

10. Your favorite color

11. Your first name

12. Your middle name
13. Your last name


lanes said...

Yes, I loved this post on Magen's, too! I think I may have to do it on mine as a future entry.

What kind of dog IS that?! Where did he get such robust muscles??

Reagan said...

that poor dog looks like he's on steroids...