Monday, November 26, 2007

It starts...


Wow, I'm nervous. We'll choose the stain color sometime today. But, we really want to go the route of a dark chocolate.

Oh yeah, we commissioned Kaw Valley Hardwood, Inc. to refinish our floors. We're not doing them ourselves.


MagenRanae said...

Wow! I'm really surpised you're not doing them yourselves! Is it cause you just don't have time, or are you afraid you don't know what you're doing? I thought I was going to call on you to refinish ours!! :)

Rachel said...

I cannot wait to see how they turn out!

Reagan said...

Magen...there are several reasons why we chose to have someone do the floors for us but mainly just life is happening to us right now:) I thought we were going to do your tile? I didn't realize you had bigger plans for us to refinish your wood floors! :)

MagenRanae said...

"I didn't realize you had bigger plans for us to refinish your wood floors!"

This statement cracks me up, cause I was of the mind set that refinishing the wood floors would be EASIER than laying tile!! Shows how little I know! :)

Amy said...

Very cool color! I think the dark floors look so much richer than the light wood. I hope they turn out beautifully!